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I m a media student and perusing my Graduation in Media and Entertainment and B.B.A (Communication & Broadcasting)from Annamalai university. Have worked in student Short film... http://youtu.be/4-ad_W5t3fE (check this youtube video for my film). Want to work with this industry day and night .... I am working on 2 other movies and Written a script for my first directorial film "THE NIGHT".... from Pune(Maharashtra).


Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My story.......


There was an old man in the village called Subramanian. He is around 62 years old and is a PhD from agriculture industry in Karnataka. He has two daughters and a son, one of the daughters is staying nearby him in Bengaluru as you call it today. The other one stays a bit far away in Surat.

The village name is Nallapradpalli near Bengaluru. The doctor wanted to celebrate his 61st birthday with the whole family. The son and the daughter who stayed nearby were there with him at the day of happiness. The elder just did not show up that day, there was a problem in her own house in Surat. Unfortunately no one else knew about this and simply thought that she was being lazy.

The day before the father was looking forward in seeing his daughter come to the celebration with the whole family. He kept on waiting for her till evening and there was no sign of her coming and father was irritated and was upset too, thus he went to sleep that night without eating even a bite for dinner.

Finally the day arrived. The new dawn birthday reception began, whole day long the family was busy in the making all kind of the decoration, making the house ready for the party for night. There was a sense of happiness in the faces of all family members as the elder daughter arriving after 7 many long years.

However, his daughter Shilpa was busy in her own home at Surat and sadly forgot to even call her beloved father to wish on his birthday. Finally the father tried to call his daughter but just could not get through. Finally giving up he sat with his lunch.

The family went to the temple in the evening to pray for the long life of their patriarch. They all came back to the house. As Dr. Subramanian was out of the house the whole day waiting for the elder daughter he does not know about the surprise party at home by the whole family. After which a surprise party was planned Dr. Subramanian had not gone.

With the night wrapping up fast and for happy moment to come on the roadway, Dr. refused to celebrate the party as he was waiting for his daughter from Surat, they got upset and the family got upset after all they pushed themselves whole day to plan for this party. But all went to sleep and did not celebrate the day as they wanted to frustratingly and angrily.

The next day the whole family went to their places all for work very sadly and did not even meet their dad. Dr. Subramanian also forgot about the day of his birthday and left for work next from home.

When he came back from home there was his youngest daughter-the one he waited for. After a while Dr. Subramanian realised that she was away because of her son’s schedule entrance exam.

Calling everybody up personally she finally had one party where the fun overflowed and wrangled up with the furious evening.

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